Friday 1 July 2016

Quick and Easy Dinner

I don't know where this recipe came from as I have been making it for years. It is great for a mid week dinner as it is quick and simple but so yummy, we serve it with rice - so please enjoy.

Chicken with Orange and Almonds
60gm butter
4 chicken portions
salt & pepper
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 cup flaked almonds
3 oranges

Melt the butter in a pan and fry the almonds gently until brown and then remove from pan. Sprinkle the chicken with salt, pepper and paprika fry until golden brown, cover and cook gently for 30 minutes.
Squeeze the juice from 2 oranges and segment the 3rd. Transfer the chicken to a serving dish and keep hot. Add the orange juice, segments and sugar to the pan juices and boil for 2 minutes. Pour over the chicken and sprinkle with almonds.

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